All Digital – Get your facts straight!

97% of Europeans have been exposed to online disinformation, 37% of them on a daily basis. Disinformation has a negative impact on society, in particular on political affairs, immigration, minorities and security.

One of the key antidotes against disinformation is increasing citizens’ media literacy as it is recognized as the most efficient, although long-term, solution to issues such as disinformation, hate speech and social media abuse.

All Digital is a leading pan-European association based in Brussels, representing member organisations across Europe that work with 25 000 digital competence centres. 11 years ago, the organisation started a European campaign on digital and online literacy All Digital Week to motivate Europeans to get online and benefit from the opportunities of the digital world.

This year, the event was launched with a discussion on online disinformation and fake news and how to fight this phenomenon by empowering the citizen. It was also the launch event of the first European campaign on disinformation and fake news “Get your facts straight!”

Find more with the live recording.

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